Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My little town

This is a little story about two girls named Christin and Jenny. Who lived in the little town of White Rock.


The day before our photo tour Christin informed Jenny that she was going to get ready before they left… hair, shower, the whole shebang. And so Jenny (who had been planning to show up in her sweats) woke up and actually got dressed. She grabbed her breakfast (a glass of water) and ran out the door to pick Christin up at 5:30. Here is a picture on her way out the door:

Jenny and her breakfast. Delish.

Jenny arrived at Christin's house...

...and found Christin dressed like a hobo, huddled in a blanket, eating her breakfast which consisted of red peppers. She was dressed in flip-flops, plaid pajama pants and a rugby sweatshirt. Yikes. And she was really grumpy. Jenny refrained from saying anything, just straightening her super-cute and stylish outfit before she pulled out.

They drove to a lightly populated part of White Rock and waited for the sunrise.

They waited and while they waited they climbed on the guardrail which Christin promptly fell off of, thoroughly bruising her right shin and knee. If you look closely you can see her huddled on the ground, nursing her injured limb.

Here are some more shots of Christin's pain for your enjoyment.

NOTE: This photo tour took place on May 28, 2005 and Christin still has a lump and a scar. Continuing on...

These are while they are waiting.

Jenny was the panoramic genius. Christin was still crying at that point.
So they waited and waited…look at how happy they are!

But, alas, the sun was not rising there. So they went off in search for another place to see the sun rise.

They went to Overlook Park but someone had already beat them there. It was a boy and a girl and they were sitting awfully close. Good thing Jenny and Christin don’t pick up on subtle hints. So they took pictures anyway.

Some enterprising soul made a cross out of rocks on the bottom of the canyon. It looks like it is under water but don’t worry, it’s not.

Here comes the sun!

Next Jenny and Christin decided to go and see the sights of White Rock. Here they are:

The day care center Jenny works at

The giant cactus that a girl Christin was baby-sitting fell into. Let's be honest, that was a bad day.

Jenny’s elementary school

Its bitter rival where Christin spent her formative years.

The bank. The entire bank is in the picture.

Christin’s backyard, complete with creepy stray cat.

The only elevator:

The two stoplights:

According to Jenny, the funnest (she said it, not me) street and an explanatory diagram:

The church (please note Jenny's schnozz):


Inside of Smiths Jenny and Christin revisited some of their guilty pleasures.

Exhibit A: Coconut popsicles. There aren't any in the picture but I did color a fake box of them. These have accurately been described as heaven on a stick. Hallelujah, amen. Jenny and Christin spent a lot of time eating these little beauties.

Exhibit B: Jenny and Christin discovered during their high school years that shoe polish + cars = fun had by all.

After seeing the sights they left White Rock and went to Los Alamos. Here are some pictures of the view:

Why, you may ask, were they going to Los Alamos? White Rock is the best. Los Alamos has just one thing that is irreplacable:

The greatest breakfast burrito place in the world.

Here are the culinary geniuses that made this experience possible:

The burrito itself:

And the life cycle of such a burrito:

I highly recommend it. It is so choice.

The end.

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